Prayer at OCCA

At OCCA, we take prayer seriously! There are many different opportunities and venues for prayer, such as: weekly prayer meetings, special prayer meetings, nights of praise and prayer, a prayer disciple Kingdom Builder Class (on Sunday mornings), and regularly praying for individuals and families. We have a Prayer List, a Prayer Chain, and Elders anointing and prayer according to James 5. We also cover our community in prayer as OCCA has "adopted" an Oil City neighborhood and we regularly pray for them street by street. 

40 Days of Prayer

Every year, beginning in January, we unite spiritually with other Alliance families in "40 Days of Prayer". Copies of each week's handouts will be available at the church office or you can get it delivered straight to your inbox. Subscribe here to receive the daily devotionals and prayer points. We can't wait to see how God works! 

To join the chat, click the picture. Click groups and join.

Click here to join the chat group. When you finish reading and praying for the day, you can leave a comment, thought, or reflection. There is fellowship when we can see how God is speaking to each other.